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Stay cooler next summer with these 8 tips!

We have all experienced those long hot days in the house in the summer. But no more, in this blog we will be talking about some of the best tips to keep your house at nice cool temperatures on any hot summer days.

Tips To Keep Your Home Cool This Summer

1. If you have central air conditioning, make sure to have it serviced on a regular basis especially if it is not keeping your home cool.

2. Check air conditioning filters regularly as dirty filters can restrict air flow.

3. Keep the fins clean on your air conditioner. wait for the coolest time of day and turn of the AC breaker. lightly brush off any dirt, grass, or built up debris off the coils then rinse the coils with a hose to remove excess dirt. do not use a pressure washer as it can damage the coils.

4. Check ductwork connections for leaks.

5. Examine windows and doors to make sure there is no leaks in the seals.

6. Ensure your celling fans are rotating counter-clockwise (or clockwise in winter)

7. Keep air registers clear from other furniture or household items. Wipe the vents clean with a damp microfiber cloth.

8. Close window coverings direct sunlight can raise temperature dramatically

If these steps don’t make a big enough difference in optimizing the cooling power of your AC system, be sure to call in an expert. This will not only make a big difference in the cost of cooling the home. But will also help prolong your AC systems life time.

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